Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Big Day

"Today is the Day!" I told myself when I rolled over and (suprise) into one darling little boy who snuck his way under the covers this morning. I began to run the list through my head of things that I need to get done today: grocery shopping, bike ride, new shoes, clean the house, and prepare for tomorrow. Grocery shopping is first on the list. After a week of my parents being here from Minnesota, I have now officially gained a total of FIVE pounds since the NYC marathon. My goal is to eat clean until they have vanished from my hips. This might not seem like a lot of weight, but the free ride ends here. Bike riding and shoe shopping might have to be switched. I want to ride my bike when it is WARM. I love warm bike rides!!

Shoes. . .this is the tough one. Have you ever taken three kids to the running store and tried to buy shoes? Believe me, it is a good show!! I would probably laugh as I watched the teenage track star trying to sell a disheveled looking middle aged lady running shoes, who cannot make up her mind, while her kids are running around the store's track and ripping off shoes from the wall and mixing them all up, and she is also trying to get them to just sit down, and the teenage boy is really trying hard to make the sale so he can take his girlfriend out on Friday night. (huge run on sentence, but it really is just like this) Yes, good show indeed!! Needless to say, I only tried it once and I never did go back for those trail shoes.

So, what will I get done today? We shall see....

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