Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thinking about Winning

Lately, I have been thinking more and more about winning. It appears to me that if you want something bad enough,it is possible that you can win it. I follow another blog of a sporty mom that actually "won" a treadmill. WOW!! Of course, her entry was more cleaver than anything that I could think of, but she wanted it, went after it, and won it. Amazing!!

So, that brings me to the point. I want to win at the Biggest Loser contest at school. The only problem with this is that I am not as overweight as some of my other competetors. You are supposed to enter with a partner and the team that loses the largest percentage of weight wins. My partner is in the same boat as me. All together, we plan to lose about 35 pounds. The winner gets 1/2 of all the money collected from entry fees. But, I have the determination that we are going to win. I actually can't wait. Whether it is possible, I do not know, but I really want to win the money and lose the weight so bad that I can taste it....or at least look hot in a bikini!!!

Last of all, I want to win a shirt from "babyweightmyass" A wonderful blog from a mom who is trying to lose weight, run, and be the best mommy she can to her kids. Someone that I can totally relate to. I always enter these crazy contests and never win, so this time I am really hoping!!!

Here is to wanting things and winning!!

Wish Me Luck!